Sunday 2 March 2014

An Introduction:)


I'm new to the world of blogging so I'm sorry if I seem a bit rambly throughout this.
I'm Danika and I've been obsessed with bloggers and youtubers for quite a while now so I thought I would try and make one. So today, I've done two things.
1) I've started this blog.
2) I've started a new youtube channel called 'LiveLikeJonesy'.

So, before I get into all about me, it would mean a lot if you could just check the channel out and watch my videos (There's only 1 at the moment haha) and give me feedback on what to do to make it better:).

Now, back to the blog! :)
I've thought for some time about making a blog but I was always worried about what I'd write about or whether I'd be too boring but today, I thought to myself 'what the hey..I have nothing to lose so, why not?' and so this blog was born :)
I know I'm probably rambling already but I just want to say that I'll be just chatting about life in general. Such as things I like and recommend, things that have happened etc.
I hope that whoever reads this likes it and wants more :)

If you'd also check out my YouTube, it would mean a lot :)

Anyway, until next time,

Danika X